by interrider1 » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:07 am
We all make Mistakes but are they right or wrong. As for human nature, we make choices sometimes good. And sometimes wrong. But life always has curves . If life didn't change. We would all have the same life, it would be predictable day in and day out. Sometimes people who we love get hurt. Sometimes we are mean, self center,and know everything. Sometimes we have to sit back, have compassion, patients. Be supporting. Then there's times, people, are given opportunities. Do the same thing, expecting different results. And then the slap you in the face. Well I'm at that turning point in my life. Today I drew the line. I had to make a choice. Don't know if it's the right one or wrong one. But it had to be made. But that's how chapters in life are written. Some close some open. And that's how we gain knowledge. With age. But one thing is for sure. Time keeps moving. This the first time I posted anything about my life. especially on a site I built. This actually feels write express my self.
Last bumped by interrider1 on Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:07 am.