by Guest » Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:30 pm
Wow! I read the original language was English? Primary language is. But original? Let's origin that one. The origin of original. Origin of the United States. The origin of the United States was people wanted freedom from an oppressive government telling them to relax. But relax on their terms. England and Spain (mainly) destroyed the inhabitants of this land to get away from kings and queens. Then made slavery out of blacks and Chinese to build it into a superpower. Sorry. They paid Chinese with slave wages (more than the blacks got but not much more). And this courty grew. American "dream". This is the newest courty in the world. It's the best. At least it's ideas are. But don't ever think it's perfect. I still can't believe people think like you. All Puerto Ricans are on welfare? Really? Look at your statistics. More white people are on welfare in this country then any other race. Yet you are so ignorant to think as trump speaks. I love this country but ignorant people (which seems like there are many in it) PISS ME OFF